
女性星座英文名 The English name for each of the 12星座 is different, depending on the specific星座 and the person's culture. For example, the English name for the star Polaris, which is the name for the first star in the constellation of Polaris, is "Zephyrus." The English name for the second star in the same constellation is "Ophiuchus," and so on. In many cultures, the name for the星座 is a word that means something related to the sky or the stars. For example, in the Chinese culture, the English name for the first star in the constellation of Orion is "Betelgeuse," which is a word that means " Orion's Heart." In the English language, the name for the star猎户座中的猎户座 star is "Orion," which is a word that means "the hunter." In other cultures, the English name for the星座 may be a word that is related to the specific星座 or the person's background or culture. For example, in the Japanese culture, the English name for the star Polaris is "Zephyrus," which is a word that means "the wind." In the Chinese culture, the English name for the first star in the constellation of Orion is "Betelgeuse," which is a word that means " Orion's Heart," and in the English language, the name for the star猎户座中的猎户座 is "Orion," which is a word that means "the hunter." In summary, the English name for each of the 12星座 is different, depending on the specific星座 and the person's culture. The English name for the first star in the constellation of Orion is "Betelgeuse," while the English name for the second star in the same constellation is "Ophiuchus." In many cultures, the English name for the星座 is a word that means something related to the sky or the stars.
